Tag: attention getter

God Makes Something Out of Nothing

Day 164 of Photo Inspirations — God Makes Something Out of Nothing I sincerely believe God has a reason for everything — including the things that He uses as “attention-getters”.  At the very least, He wants me to be aware that He is with me and He has another object lesson for me to learn…

By Donna Wuerch June 19, 2015 Off

Showers of Blessing

Day 96 of Photo Inspiration — Showers of Blessing Yesterday, my friend and I headed out for our early morning walk.  There was a gentle rain coming down on us.  We didn’t mind.  Our time with each other, and with God was worth it — rain or shine.  Always looking for the “God” attention-getters, we…

By Donna Wuerch April 7, 2015 Off

What’s Your “Attention Getter”?

Day 23 of Photo Inspirations — Taco Bueno!! I was driving to the post office and thinking, “Wonder what my photo inspiration will be for today?” Then as I was crossing the intersection at Riverside and 71st, I looked to the left and my eyes were drawn to lots of those “attention-getter” flags.  And they…

By Donna Wuerch February 1, 2015 Off

Turn Your Mess to a Message

Isn’t it amazing that our greatest heartaches and most aggressive challenges, are used by God to bring us the most massive blessings — ones we could never have imagined? I know it’s true because I am proof of that out of my own personal experiences. How many times have you heard someone say that losing…

By Donna Wuerch August 22, 2014 Off