April Showers Bring May Flowers
And life’s clouds, storms and showers can bring many blessings. This blog was inspired by the opportunity to be in Tulsa for several days. Though I have many precious friends and beautiful memories here, this trip came with a specific purpose in mind. That is to be with my 99-1/2 years old mother-in-law while my…
My Treasures Hunt Treasures
As a child, I never realized that my grandparents weren’t the hands-on-type. But, when we became grandparents, we knew we wanted “up close and personal” relationships with our grands. From the get-go, we set out to be doting, over-the-top-in-love in words and deeds. Before our first grandson was born, I had a hope chest of…
The Wonders of our Wonderful God
On their daily EMnation YouTube video, my daughter held up a loaf of Wonder Bread and mentioned that Alexia, her daughter, prefers her peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on white bread. Obviously nutrition wasn’t the topic of Larry and Staci’s video, but the “Wonder Bread” story was. In 1921, the Taggert Baking Company of Indianapolis…