I was a Fraidy Cat
F.E.A.R. – False Evidence Appearing Real That was my husband’s definition of fear. And, he was right on. How many times do we have fears that are false fears based on false information? As much as I’d like you to believe that I’m this fearless dynamo, I still have those times when fear is an…
Taking “Training Up a Child” to a Whole New Level
During this unexpected schooling-at-home, I have received so much entertainment from many of my friends. I’ve watched some hilarious antics, as well as creative YouTube videos of moms becoming “at-home-school” principals. One meme said: “Homeschool Day 1: Wondering how I can get this kid transferred out of my class”. Another one said: “It’s Day 1…
Train Up a Child in the Way He or She Should Go
My husband and I grew up as “church” kids. Our parents ensured that we were in church every time the doors opened – Sunday School, Sunday morning and night services, Wednesday night service, Thursday night youth services, and when an evangelist came into town, church was every night of the week. Back in those early…