Tag: birthday week

This is Me

How utterly self-centered can I be as I sing “Happy Birthday to Me” today? Why not? This birthday week started with my sweet husband giving me a James Avery sunflower necklace that honors our wedding and the sunflowers we chose. Before that, he had taken me to a “Sunflower” Vietnamese Restaurant that displayed sunflowers throughout.…

By Donna Wuerch August 26, 2023 Off

And the Celebrations Continue…..

Blame it on my husband and I…..way back in the beginning, we made the celebration of our birthdays bigger than any other day of the year. After all, that’s the day God made us so we rejoice and are so glad for it….not just for a day, but oftentimes, for the week and in more…

By Donna Wuerch May 28, 2016 Off