Tag: blanket

I’m Snuggling into my Comforter

A comforter is a thick bed covering that is filled with a soft light material. A comforter is also someone who helps us feel less worried, upset, or frightened. I do a lot of traveling and that means sleeping in beds that don’t compare to MY bed at home. When I get home to my…

By Donna Wuerch March 19, 2023 Off

The Security of a Teddy Bear

On February 15, 1903, Toy store owner and inventor Morris Michtom placed two stuffed bears in his shop window, and advertised them as Teddy bears. Michtom had earlier petitioned President Theodore Roosevelt for permission to use his nickname, Teddy. The president agreed and, before long, Teddy bears were being made by toy manufacturers everywhere. I…

By Donna Wuerch February 16, 2020 Off

If I Were Rich…..

Have you ever thought those thoughts or played that game? Well, yesterday morning, I was giving myself a manicure and I thought “If I were rich I know exactly what I would do. I’d go for a manicure AND a pedicure every other week! And, maybe add a massage to that, too! When I do…

By Donna Wuerch June 11, 2019 Off