Clean Hands and a Pure Heart
I remembered when little fingerprints covered the lower half of my sliding glass doors when we were with our little great nieces and nephew a few weeks ago. It was unquestionable that those fingerprints were theirs because of the height of their placement and the size of those little hands. The evidence was real. We…
Clean Hands and a Pure Heart
We’ve all found little finger prints on our glass doors or windows or walls. No sooner do we get those glass doors cleaned, than a little one comes along and puts his hands all over the door again. Little chocolate, play dough or muddy hands had left their imprint. The evidence was real. We recognized…
It’s Clean-Up, Clean-Out, Clean-In Time!
About this time of year, many of us start to think about “Spring Cleaning”. We accumulate so much clutter (you know those little corners where we stack up mail, flyers and magazines), that we start getting weary from just walking by that corner. We need to CLEAN-UP! Then there’s the closets full of winter wear…
Clean Hands and a Pure Heart
Day 271 of Photo Inspirations — Clean Hands and a Pure Heart Ever find little finger prints on your glass doors or windows or walls? Little chocolate or muddy hands had left their imprint. The evidence was real. We recognized those finger prints. Those were the times when those little guys had no idea of…