The Blessing of Two
There’s something divine about the number two. Just ask Noah, who mastered the art of the double as he herded every creature two by two onto that ark. And then, there’s Solomon who wisely penned, “Two are better than one” (Ecclesiastes 4:9). God must have known how much my life needed a double portion of…
This, That, and the Other
Often our lives are made up of having a little longing for THIS or being a little offended about THAT or complaining about the OTHER. Being dissatisfied about THIS, THAT or the OTHER. I’m guilty. Sometimes I get myself in a funk because I found a charge on my credit card statement that wasn’t mine.…
Coincidence or God Incidence?
You just can’t make this stuff up! My granddaughter, Alexia, while shopping for her birthday present, last week, revealed that she’d like to have a cat when she lives on her own. We once raised Persian Angora cats, so she was speaking my love language. So, on her actual birthday, I thought I would help…
More Than a Coincidence
A couple of days ago I posted about “remembering”. In the final paragraph of that post, I spoke about Christ’s words at the Last Supper from Luke 22:19: “And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE of…
Seeing the Unseen
My dear friend called to check in with me a couple of days ago when I was very sick with the flu. How did she know to call me on that day when I needed a friend to pray with me the most? She did, because she was “Seeing the Unseen in 2017”. That was…
Coincidences or Divine Appointments?
You’ve got to love it when a young person is willing to come to a slightly “mature” person 😉 for counsel. You know, they know, the wisdom that’s inside them. Very, smart and wise young person. When I received an email from a sweet friend from my church, Megan, asking if I’d look over a…