Tag: Colossians 2:10

Being Perfectly Loved

Just look at these 64 radiant women, all aglow with God’s PERFECT love shining through, after the most amazing 4 days of enrichment and basking in such epic and special times together. Sincerely, those 4 days were life-changing in so many ways. Our love for God, and His love for us, went to a another…

By Donna Wuerch February 25, 2016 Off

Have You Noticed How Opposites Attract?

Day 132 of Photo Inspirations — Have you noticed how opposites attract? You might think “How did THEY ever get together?”  I know that’s the way it was for my husband and I.  He had a serious, intuitive, methodical, perfectionist, deep-thinker personality.  I, on the far end of the spectrum (as far as the East…

By Donna Wuerch May 16, 2015 Off