Tag: complainer

Complain and Remain; Praise and Be Raised

Complain and Remain; Praise and Be Raised COMPLAIN: to express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something; grumble, criticize, moan, find fault PRAISE: compliment, commend, express admiration for, applaud, speak highly of, admire, gratitude Maybe you live with or know someone who seems to be an incessant COMPLAINER – they seem to always find something to complain…

By Donna Wuerch March 24, 2018 Off

What’s Your Default Setting?

I’m sure we’ve all had to deal with “default settings” on some of our electronics. For example, if our cell phone is having issues, and all else fails, we’re told to reset it back to the default or factory settings. On our computers, our fonts or our margins are programmed to the default setting, until…

By Donna Wuerch April 3, 2017 Off

I Am Thankful

Often, It’s a product of our upbringing and circumstances that we are complainers or if we are optimistic and have a grateful attitude. But no matter what, it’s possible to BECOME grateful — even if it’s not our natural “bent”, but it does take discipline. It’s like learning to dance or play an instrument or…

By Donna Wuerch November 26, 2014 Off