Moms! Let it Go and Let it Grow!
I’m sitting at my desk in Radiology at Children’s Hospital and hear playing “Let it Go” on the tv monitors in the waiting room. How many times have I heard that song from “Frozen” and from messages I’ve heard about letting unnecessary stuff go? But, this day, I’m thinking about Mother’s Day and from what…
Practice and Practice Makes Perfect
I thoroughly enjoyed the TV show “Little Big Shots” with Steve Harvey, as the most incredible talents were revealed by the youngest children. Case in point: Four-year old Evan Le who “picked up” the piano only a few months before and played “The Flight of the Bumblebee” masterfully. (I posted the link below if you’d…
Practice and Practice and Practice Makes Perfect
I started taking piano lessons when I was 8 years old. The first thing I learned was how to read the notes on a page and associate those notes to the keys on the piano. Then I learned how to look at the music and pay attention to my fingers at the same time. That…