The Government is on HIS Shoulders
My husband was reading his cousin’s Christmas newsletter to me. It included the scripture: “And the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6) That scripture struck a cord with me. We have had enough drama in our government to…
Happy Birthday, Church!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Today is Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of the Church. So, it is YOUR BIRTHDAY, because YOU ARE the Church going and coming. Pentecost Sunday (50 days after Easter) commemorates the day when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and those in the Upper Room. Pentecost fulfills Jesus’ promise when He…
The Name Game
How are you at remembering names? I’ll reveal my “issue”. Remembering names hasn’t been one of my positive assets. My granddaughter was with me at an event. I asked her to “work with me on introductions”. I said, “If I remember their name, I’ll simply say their name and introduce you, but if I don’t,…
I’m a Thankful Mess
My niece sent me this photo of her grandson whose parents are out of town. Yes, this little guy has taken over her home. Eventually she gets to tidy up, but then the little guy unloads this toys all over again. But, this grandmother is thankful to be able to clean up his messes. This…
Who is YOUR Someone?
President Ronald Reagan coined the phrase: “We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” That quote speaks volumes to me when I think about the “someones” who might have passed my way without me giving them a second thought. I might have been so caught up in my own little world that I didn’t…
Attend a Funeral for a Wake-Up-Call
Yes! Attend one that is a celebration of life of one who lived to love and serve God and others with all his heart. And, when the last “Amen” is said, you are determined to step it up in your own life. This one packed a punch — songs sung that stirred up the sweetest…
Those Winds are Blowing Again
A couple of weeks ago, when I was staying with my grandsons and Bentley, their dog, while their mom and dad were away, a strong, fierce-sounding storm came rolling through. Bentley sure was afraid of the hard rain, lightning and thundering. In my moment of weakness and love for this little dog, I made a…
It’s Pentecost Sunday and I’ve Got the Power!
With two of my grandchildren, we recently watched the movie “Bruce Almighty”, a spoof about a guy (Jim Carrey) who was complaining that God was treating him poorly. Soon after, God (Morgan Freeman) actually contacts Bruce and offers him all of His powers if he thinks he can do a better job. Bruce accepts and…
It’s Pay-it-Forward AND Pray-it-Forward Time!
Mentor – a trusted guide, coach, role model, counselor I don’t know where or who I would be were it not for the mentors in my life from a very EARLY age. Since I was “early” in getting married (at 17) and “early” to have a baby (one year later at 18), I needed all…
Celebrating THE NAME
I’m so grateful to be with my girl this weekend before her birthday on Monday (tomorrow). One day isn’t enough to celebrate her — I need several days. What a precious treasure she has been to me. We already had a beautiful son who was 2-1/2, then it was almost time for our 2nd child…