Tag: course correction

 Lent Means Course Correction

As a Private Pilot, I have extra help with the notion of “I believe I can fly”. We had a single engine Cessna 182 – a sweet ride. We logged many hours flying across this great country. Though I haven’t flown in a while, I remember some crucially important flight requirements that ensured landing where,…

By Donna Wuerch February 22, 2023 Off

Making Course Corrections

Learning to fly was an amazing experience and flying solo was the part that sure got my blood pumping. When flying alone, there is no one else to depend upon except yourself. It was empowering, but it was also one of the most terrifying things I ever did. I made that first solo flight just…

By Donna Wuerch October 22, 2018 Off

The Purer the Vessel, the Greater the Flow

Think about those who must have Coronary Artery Bypass surgery because one or more blocked coronary arteries are preventing normal blood flow. Then on a less physical note, consider a kitchen sink pipe that becomes clogged because of an abundance of grease or other substances. But, most important are our vessels (our spirits) that become…

By Donna Wuerch March 16, 2016 Off

I Believe I Can Fly

As a Private Pilot, when I hear that song “I Believe I Can Fly”, I have extra help with the notion of flying. We had a single engine Cessna 182 that was a sweet ride, and we logged many hours flying across this great country. I’ve only flown an airplane once since my Honey’s promotion…

By Donna Wuerch March 6, 2016 Off