Tougher Than Nails – Holy Saturday
Yesterday, as always on Good Friday with my husband, I watched “The Passion of the Christ” movie again. Not for entertainment, but for reminding me of the unspeakable price Christ paid for me. I think Mel Gibson got it right because Isaiah 52:14 says “His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any human being…
He’s a Good, Good Father on this Good Friday!
I’m smiling because I posted this family photo on what is supposed to be a somber, serious day. But is it really? Were it not for THIS day, we wouldn’t have an Easter. This photo was taken at our church in Shawnee, OK. It was a big deal to dress up for Easter. Had to…
Spy Wednesday of Holy Week
Here in my community, it only slightly looks like Easter is near. There are a few cardboard signs and metal crosses in lawns. What I prominently see are white ribbons on neighbors’ trees. The word spread for us to tie white ribbons on our trees to show our appreciation to those who are front-liners in…
How About a Trip to the Desert?
Lent is the time of year when I, with purpose and on purpose, make changes. It’s a personal time of interior inspection into my heart and soul…..and an exterior inspection of my body. On the exterior side, I’ve been eating like there is no tomorrow. I’ve used the excuse that I’m too busy to focus…
I’m a Thankful Mess
This girl, while I may appear all-together, there are just times, I am a mess. I’m confessing that because I heard the speaker at our church’s “mission” this week make that confession. He said that his in-laws get a little uncomfortable with all the crosses and crucifixes in their home. In fact they have one…
When Life is Sad — God is Good
I just can’t help myself. The inspirations at VBS keep coming so I must keep sharing! This has been a week of watching so many precious children get all caught up in God’s goodness and yesterday was off the charts. We had a departure of wandering in the wilderness with the Israelites to a day…
Holy Saturday — the Cross Makes the Difference
Today is the in-between day of our Savior’s agony on the cross — one of the cruelest methods of execution ever practiced, slowly dying in despicable humiliation, His dead body placed in a tomb – sealed and done! But, then comes tomorrow — the day when all HELL had to break loose of what it…
Climbing the Mountain to the Cross
My son kept saying “Mom, I’ve got to take you up the mountain to see the cross! It’s so beautiful up there!” He was up early (5:30 am) the next day to give me the sunrise view! The sun was rising and the timing was perfect. It was well worth the climb to the top…
Carrying the Weight of the World
Some of my days are absolutely care-free! My little corner of the world is a happy place on those days: my family is in a good place, my health is good, my bills are paid, I feel love coming from every direction and I sing: “And, I think to myself, ‘What a Wonderful World!” Oh,…
Shouldn’t it be Black Friday instead of GOOD Friday?
You know the feelings…you, or someone you love is hurting so much, and no one else seems to understand your pain. Maybe your closest family member just passed away, and it seems everywhere you look people are just fine — they’re laughing, they’re carefree, they’re going on with their busy lives, and you think, “How…