Tag: defeat

What is it Like to be You?

“Ice breaker” games with an unfamiliar group of people provide us the opportunity to get to know each other. What if this question were asked: “What is it like to be you?” It would depend on how we felt physically, mentally, socially, economically, relationally, and spiritually on that given day. If we felt good –…

By Donna Wuerch October 9, 2022 Off

This is OUR Season

I drove by this graduation-decorated car at McDonald’s yesterday. I turned around to take the photo of it as I knew a blog would be forthcoming! What a way to start a graduation day — having a hearty meal at McDonald’s! I can only imagine what else this day would hold for their student. My…

By Donna Wuerch May 30, 2021 Off

FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real

Sure sounds like a headline in our news today, doesn’t it? My husband gave this acronym to the word, “FEAR”, many years ago to our children when they were seeing and hearing” things” in their bedrooms at night. To them, it looked like and it sounded like a monster but in reality, it was only…

By Donna Wuerch October 3, 2018 Off

Lion + Bear + Big Dude = Promotion

I posted about David and his Giant, yesterday! Just wanted to add….a P.S. to that post! David DID win that epic battle with Goliath, but God had prepared him in the trenches, in the “small” things. David was faithful to fulfill his responsibilities. David did anything God asked him to do. When he faced the…

By Donna Wuerch April 12, 2014 Off