Tag: difference maker

Recognizing God’s Nudges

As you may have read, or not, my daughter and son-in-love purchased property in Rusk, Texas for building a place to rescue, redeem and restore women and girls who have suffered through some of life’s most difficult challenges. This property will have tiny homes and a retreat/restoration center built there. Larry and Staci’s organization/ministry is…

By Donna Wuerch July 7, 2021 Off

The Path of Wisdom

Day before yesterday, my blog centered around “seizing the moments”. Today I’m centering on “seizing the DAY” — Carpe Diem. Seizing the day has everything to do with walking, talking, and living in wisdom aka being a wise believer. You, young ones out there, may not remember Art Linkletter who had a show called “Kids…

By Donna Wuerch January 19, 2021 Off

Who is YOUR Someone?

Who is YOUR Someone?President Ronald Reagan coined the phrase: “We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” That quote speaks volumes to me when I think about the “someones” that might have passed my way, literally….passed, without me giving them a second thought. I might have been so caught up in my own little…

By Donna Wuerch November 9, 2019 Off

Tenderize My Heart, Lord

While writing in my journal, I wrote: “Lord, tenderize my heart for others.” Tenderize? Where did that come from? Suddenly, I went “nostalgic” and saw my mom holding a meat tenderizer hammer beating the tar out of a piece of meat. She was beating it to make the meat more tender. And, of course, that…

By Donna Wuerch January 17, 2019 Off