Tag: discipline

Let’s Go to the Desert

Yesterday began the 40 days of Lent. It isn’t just a season; it’s a journey — a deliberate walk into the desert, not to suffer, but to be refined. It’s a time to come clean, inside and out, setting aside distractions to hear God more clearly. On purpose for my mind, heart, soul AND body…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 6, 2025 0

Shouldn’t We All Be Olympians?

I am an avid fan of the Olympics — the athletes’ sacrificial commitment to their sport, stories of discipline, reaching goals and dreams they worked long and hard for. It is a big deal to be an Olympian and achieve their dreams of competing, but to have the medal-winning glory is the reward for all…

By Donna Wuerch Noble July 14, 2024 Off

A Switch Changed My Perspective

A switch? What is a switch? That was a slim tree branch that my mama used to swat my legs and straighten my attitude out when I was a little girl. That swat made a lot of difference in turning my wrongs to rights! Never would I have ever considered my precious mom’s correction as…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 20, 2022 Off

The Rewards of Simple Obedience

I read about a canine trainer, Tina Zimmerman, who serves wounded veterans and first responders by way of giving them fully trained, obedient dogs to assist them. The dogs learn discipline and obedience and truly become “man’s best friend”. I saw a video of Tina expressing the beautiful relationship between a loving handler and a…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 12, 2021 Off

Keeping Guard Over Our Mind

When the airport’s TSA agent was frisking my granddaughter a couple of weeks ago because she was a little “shifty” looking (NOT! It was her water bottle in her purse and a large bottle of sunblock in her carry-on), we realized the importance of being compliant with TSA’s regulations. Yesterday, I thought about how TSA…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 24, 2017 Off

Always Something To Be Thankful For

Day 332 of Photo Inspirations — Always Something To Be Thankful For Thanksgiving Day is past, yet the turkey leftovers and a few extra pounds are still with us.  The best of what remains is still the sweet atmosphere of gratitude.  I’m so grateful for the time with my family and especially grateful to celebrate…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 28, 2015 Off