Tag: dream

I Want Eagle Vision

Yesterday, I blogged about an eye issue I had that initiated an emergency trip to an eye doctor. I’m healed from that gnarly, surprising event. With my glasses on, I have 20/20 vision! But, I don’t want to settle for 20/20 vision. I want to have “eagle eyes” vision. That is the visual ability of…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 19, 2025 Off

Just Do It

Nike’s three little words have certainly had a shelf life that has been strong since 1988. No slogan has come close to making the cultural impact and getting the worldwide acceptance of Nike’s unforgettable phrase. The “Just do it” tagline became one of the biggest ad ideas in history because it spoke to each person…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 18, 2023 Off

How Will This Be?

Perhaps, like me, you have had an idea, a desire, a dream, or a vision deep in your heart, yet the “how to make it happen” left you wanting. We pray: “Lord, how will this be?” Those were Mary’s words. In Luke one, we read that Gabriel gave a “birth announcement” to Mary. He told…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 9, 2022 Off

Born to Create

Our Creator continues to inspire me daily. All of His creation is masterful! I’m so proud of Him. I’m like a child when I say, “THAT’S MY DAD!” Honestly, I cringe when I hear people say: “I’m not creative. I can’t cook. I’m not an artist. I’m not a crafty person. I can’t sing. I…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 28, 2019 Off