Tag: energizer bunny

That 4-Letter Word….Rest

I was drawn to the word “rest” after our diehard president was forced to stop and rest when he tested positive for the C-virus. A few days ago, I heard him respond to an interviewer’s question: “What symptoms were you having before you tested positive for the coronavirus?” He responded: “I just didn’t feel the…

By Donna Wuerch October 12, 2020 Off

Date Nut Loaf — What Are Your Constants?

Day 20 — Photo Inspiration:  Mom’s (aka Granny) Date Nut Loaf. I stopped in to see Mom (my Mother-in-Law) yesterday.  She had just finished pouring her famous Date Nut Loaf batter into the pan and the tin can.  Yes, tin cans make for the perfect individual size loaf pan.  And, for ease of removal of…

By Donna Wuerch January 18, 2015 Off