Tag: excitement

I Can Hardly Wait

My son sent a photo of he and Shawntel taking friends with their little two-year-old girl to see Austin’s spectacular Trail of Lights. They’re getting that little one started early. And that’s what my parents did for me. As a child, some of my fondest memories of Christmas included the drive to look at Christmas…

By Donna Wuerch December 23, 2020 Off

That’s Onomatopoeia: POW, BOOM, BAM

My BFF from Tulsa came to see me on Thursday. We make every moment count when we’re together. We call ourselves “Ethel and Lucy” because we can sure have some hilarious (without even trying) times. We were in that mode at Hobby Lobby and then yesterday, just before she headed on her way to her…

By Donna Wuerch October 27, 2018 Off

Does PASSION Drive You?

My Word of the Day – PASSION: more than just enthusiasm or excitement, PASSION is ambition that is materialized into action to put as much heart, mind, body and soul into something as is possible. What is it that drives you, motivates you and causes you to jump out of bed each morning with exuberance?…

By Donna Wuerch January 8, 2018 Off

I’m So Excited — Are You?

Jesus pointed out that we need to be like little children — not by being irresponsible, but of waking each day with excitement and enthusiasm about the potential that this day may hold — being filled with “I’m so excited” joy and with the expectation that “Something good is going to happen today!” I think…

By Donna Wuerch July 23, 2014 Off