Those Insatiable Mosquitoes
I simply went out on my patio to water my one and only plant, my basil plant, which I might add has been flourishing. I have been thoroughly enjoying my caprese salads! But, that one short excursion, was lambasted by a covert watch-party. Argh! An army of mosquitoes were deployed and took advantage of this…
I Can Hardly Wait
My son sent a photo of he and Shawntel taking friends with their little two-year-old girl to see Austin’s spectacular Trail of Lights. They’re getting that little one started early. And that’s what my parents did for me. As a child, some of my fondest memories of Christmas included the drive to look at Christmas…
Experience is the Best Teacher
I saw this photo and it brought back memories of 40+ years ago when my husband and I rented a paddle boat so as to enjoy a relaxing little excursion around the lake. It wasn’t long before we realized this was far more work than we anticipated. Our thighs burned from pushing the paddles. And,…