Tag: exhausted

Curb Appeal Matters

In the community I live in, all of the yards are pristine — nicely edged, cut, bushes trimmed, no garage doors open. Every home has curb appeal. It’s a requirement here in this 55+ community. I’ve been a R/E Estate Broker for 18 years and I know curb appeal and first impressions matter. A run-down…

By Donna Wuerch August 10, 2018 Off

Don’t Be Normal. Be Different. Take the High Road.

How “different” are we from what is “normal” to others? Some say that “It’s NORMAL to be stressed, fearful, overwhelmed, exhausted, angry, sad, speaking hateful about people, and on and on. “Normal” to some is ranting and raving right along with all those who are dissatisfied with politics and politicians. My contention is that “normal”…

By Donna Wuerch June 10, 2016 Off