Seeing is Believing
Yesterday I had my annual eye check up. Thanks be to God I can still see! Ever hear someone say: “I’ll believe it when I see it!” or “Seeing is believing!” That isn’t the posture that pleases God. He is all about seeing but not how well we see with our physical eyes. He wants…
More Than Meets the Eye
Ever hear someone say: “I’ll believe it when I see it!” or “Seeing is believing!” Oh, not so! Faith isn’t what we see with our eyes – it is so much more. It is that measure of God-given supernatural ingredient that He gave us and urges us to live by – that total trust and…
It’s Not Always What It Seems and That May Be a Good Thing
From my vantage point, relaxing in my beach lounge, I saw this guy spending a lot of time looking and looking on the beach, then I saw him with some sort of stick and maneuver it all around this certain spot. I just knew he had a metal detector and was moving in on a…