Our Hotline to God
I well remember when the U.S. and the Soviet Union created a hotline between President John Kennedy and Russia’s Premier Nikita Khrushchev. It was in October 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. It made sure that both countries’ leaders could have a chat before things escalated. Imagine that — a red phone with a direct…
Faith Over Fear
I was a greeter at my church last weekend. Arrayed in my mask in keeping with CDC guidelines, as well as six-feet social distancing, I was game-on! I love being a greeter, from my own experience of being greeted by a friendly face. It’s heart-warming to notice being noticed. At my church, which holds 1,200…
Sharing a Sweet Homeward-Bound Moment
I share this homeward-bound moment to tell you that God is looking for messengers who are willing to be on assignment for Him. He is looking for the “whoevers” to step up and say “Pick me to help You carry out Your divine plans for this world. His plans for us were given to us…