Tag: fearless

Live Fear-LESS

Fearless in these days and times? Get real, girl! Who can be fearless when the smallest fear (like a snake in a flowerbed — that was my daughter a few days ago) to a friend’s upcoming major surgery or another friend’s livelihood being challenged after yet another setback keeps them from being able to earn…

By Donna Wuerch Noble September 24, 2024 Off

I was a Fraidy Cat

F.E.A.R. – False Evidence Appearing Real That was my husband’s definition of fear. And, he was right on. How many times do we have fears that are false fears based on false information?  As much as I’d like you to believe that I’m this fearless dynamo, I still have those times when fear is an…

By Donna Wuerch Noble July 16, 2021 Off

Dare to be Bold

I’m not talking about “stupid” boldness where we take dangerous risks, but being bold for God, ourselves, and others. Yep! That’s me! I own it! Unlike the shy, timid, and insecure child that I was, hiding behind my mama, over time and with the help of my pushy husband, I came out of my cocoon.…

By Donna Wuerch Noble July 9, 2021 Off

Be Fearless

Fearless in these days and times? Get real, girl! Who can be fearless when from the smallest fear (like a snake in a flowerbed — that was me yesterday) to my friend’s upcoming major surgery or another friend’s livelihood being challenged after a hard fall that fractured some bones? I get it. There are plenty…

By Donna Wuerch Noble September 5, 2019 Off

Audacious Living, With Audacious Faith

Big Audacious Living With Audacious Faith AUDACIOUS — showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks; daring, fearless, brave, courageous, valiant, venturesome Brilliant author and speaker, Erwin McManus, was speaking on TV a few days ago. I was immensely inspired. Less than a year ago, he was dying from cancer, and now he is cancer-free…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 31, 2018 Off