Tag: field of dreams

Point and Ye Shall Receive

I’m back in Austin — called in for “Nana Patrol”. Ryan is running his 52nd full marathon in the Boston Marathon today. He runs this one to raise funds for the Michael Lisnow Respite Center, a place that provides emotional and physical support for those with disabilities and their families. While on Nana Patrol, I…

By Donna Wuerch April 15, 2019 Off

Where Oh Where is Donna?

Yesterday, someone I just met said, “So where do you live?” It was the first time I needed to explain this season of my life. So I said, “Well, I fly by the seat of my pants, so wherever I land!” LOL! So, here’s the way I roll. I do my best to trust that…

By Donna Wuerch November 13, 2016 Off