Tag: follow him

Just a Jesus Follower

“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”– The Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 11:1) I was one of those non-conversational, shy, withdrawn, and lacking self-confidence, kind-of-girl. I had big faith, but little output. I kept my faith to myself. The main reason? The fear of rejection. Sure, I’d invite friends to church with…

By Donna Wuerch July 7, 2019 Off

I’m a Fisher-Woman

When my Austin family asked what I wanted for my birthday, I didn’t hem-haw around like I usually do: “Your love is all the gift I want!” But this milestone year, I went in for the jugular: I asked for all 13 of us to be together!” And did they ever comply! Then they asked…

By Donna Wuerch September 10, 2018 Off