Tag: For God so loved

The Chapters of My Love Story

The first chapter of my love story began when I was a little girl seeing the adoring love that my mom and dad had for each other. I witnessed their sweet affection for each other. In fact, my dad couldn’t keep his hands off my mom. “Roscoe, QUIT!” she’d cry out when he was waaay…

By Donna Wuerch Noble February 15, 2019 Off

FEBRUARY – The Love Month

My Word of the Day is FEBRUARY – defined in Webster’s dictionary as the second month of the year – ordinarily containing 28 days, but with 29 days in leap years. No big deal. How did FEBRUARY make my Word of the Day list? Because I’m adding a definition from Donna’s dictionary – it’s the…

By Donna Wuerch Noble February 2, 2018 Off

Am I Your Favorite?

That’s the question I get, regularly, from my four youngest grandchildren. It’s actually quite hilarious and my usual answer is, “I love you all the same” or “I love you all uniquely because you are all so special in your very own ways!” I will respond to my 11 year old, Bryson, when I get…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 10, 2017 Off

Merry Christmas Eve!

Day 359 of Photo Inspirations — Merry Christmas Eve!! We’re getting closer to “Silent Night — Holy Night”, but until then…this day is probably filled with lots of activity for us all — last minute shopping, wrapping the final packages, and getting some of our Christmas meal ready to go for tomorrow.  As for us,…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 24, 2015 Off

A Day for Love Letters

Day 55 of Photo Inspirations — A Day for Love Letters Yesterday was a sweet home-bound day, when the snow continued to fall and give me every reason to stay in my comfy robe and househoes.  I love these days when it seems that God gives me a heavenly nudge to slow down and enjoy…

By Donna Wuerch Noble February 24, 2015 Off