Tag: for I know the plans

It’s All About Perspective

Continuing on with my animal-sitting here in Austin, I was taking the 2,000 lb longhorn, Vamanos, his morning meal, consisting of huge grain pellets and lots of hay. He is usually standing at the fence waiting or at least comes trotting if he is a distance away. Yesterday, no sign of Vamanos. I clanged the…

By Donna Wuerch June 24, 2018 Off

That’s Gotta Hurt!

This photo came up on our timeline a couple of days ago, and many have commented about it. It doesn’t take much for my daughter and I to find something hilarious in the midst of a routine day. We posed for this photo at a Pumpkin Patch and of course Staci would caption it “Hmm….that’s…

By Donna Wuerch November 3, 2016 Off