Tag: forgive them

It’s a Good Day!

Today is Good Friday – the day Jesus was crucified. Without this day, Christ’s death on the cross would lose its meaning. The resurrection of Jesus is the pinnacle of our faith, but the death of Jesus is what makes it all possible. Jesus never wavered in His resolve to walk the lonely, painful path…

By Donna Wuerch March 29, 2024 Off

How Can I Forgive and Forget?

How Can I Forgive and Forget? A friend emailed me yesterday about “forgiving” and “forgetting”. It blessed me. How often do we get hurt by someone, or even, we’re the someone who hurt someone? We keep beating ourselves up about our mistakes, do our best to forgive ourselves and others, but still those mistakes we…

By Donna Wuerch October 13, 2016 Off