Tag: friend

Nesting for the King

Oh, how vividly I remember “nesting” like those mama birds, tirelessly fluffing and preparing for their baby birds to hatch! It’s in our mama DNA, isn’t it? We wash, fold, organize, and somehow manage to cram the equivalent of a department store into one tiny nursery. Those moments of preparation were filled with anticipation, excitement,…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 11, 2024 Off

I Did It!

I made it through to Day #1 of another year! How can I say thanks? Let me let Andrae Crouch’s song lyrics help me: “How can I say thanks for all the things God has done for me? Things so undeserved that He gave to prove His love for me. The voices of a million…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 27, 2022 Off

A Treat for 97 Years

This morning, I’ll be heading to Tulsa to celebrate Mom and her 97th Birthday! It’s truly a day of celebrating – not just a mother-in-law, but a dear friend, mentor, and mother. God brought this precious treat to us on October 31st, 1922. I’m sure He had a hand in her being named “Lydia” which…

By Donna Wuerch Noble October 31, 2019 Off