We Forgot You
Ever heard that hurtful phrase before? It can be one of those times when our parent forgot to pick us up at school or be at our piano or dance recital or baseball game. Or an important phone call was expected, but never came because someone forgot us? I know those words and how deeply…
Overcoming is a Choice AND a Prayer
Ever been in a spiritual, mental and physical funk? I know, at one time or another, we all have been there. We might have even camped there because it was too hard to take down all the camping equipment and gear to get up and out! I am well acquainted with “funks”! Those were times…
This, That, and the Other
Often our lives are made up of having a little longing for THIS or being a little offended about THAT or complaining about the OTHER. Being dissatisfied about THIS, THAT or the OTHER. I’m guilty. Sometimes I get myself in a funk because I found a charge on my credit card statement that wasn’t mine.…