Tag: garden of gethsemane

The Rewards of Simple Obedience

I read about a canine trainer, Tina Zimmerman, who serves wounded veterans and first responders by way of giving them fully trained, obedient dogs to assist them. The dogs learn discipline and obedience and truly become “man’s best friend”. I saw a video of Tina expressing the beautiful relationship between a loving handler and a…

By Donna Wuerch April 12, 2021 Off

Please Let Me Introduce You to Rimon!

If you follow my daily FB posts or my blog, you’ll remember my Holy Lands’ daily log of awe-inspiring, faith-filled experiences that I and my fellow travelers savored from the moment we landed at the Israel Ben Gurion Airport. The reason, was in large part because of our tour guide, Rimon. If you were planning…

By Donna Wuerch October 4, 2017 Off