Tag: God

When We’ve Run Out of Hope…..

This is my second day in a row to blog about hope. Maybe it has to do with some of the assignments God has given me in the last few months to encourage others to hold onto hope. So many are sick. Sick and tired. Sick of hearing so much negativity and hate. Sick of…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 18, 2019 Off

Our Great Creator and Entertainer

My typical Sunday morning routine is to listen to an online church service or Christian video while I’m endeavoring to “beautify” myself — hair, make-up, clothes selection, etc. Yesterday, my search left me wanting, so I stopped looking. I promptly apologized to God and said, “How could I be looking for something to entertain me…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 28, 2019 Off

10,000 Reasons

Yesterday morning I woke up singing “Bless the Lord, oh my soul. Oh, my soul. Worship His Holy Name. Sing like never before, oh my soul, I worship Your Holy Name!” That song’s title is “10,000 Reasons” by Matt Redman. What a way to wake up – blessing and worshipping God’s Holy Name! Immediately I…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 29, 2018 Off

I’ve Got the POWER!

I’ve known some pretty powerful people in my time. Power in the sense that they commanded a room when they walked into it. Power in the sense that they could make some very important decisions and alter the course of a country or a company. I enjoyed the 2003 movie, “Bruce Almighty”. I watched it…

By Donna Wuerch Noble October 24, 2016 Off