Let’s Settle the Score about Ups and Downs
I saw this graphic and right away, I knew a blog was coming. I am not ready for a flat line! Okay, I am ready, but I really believe God has more work for me to do! How about you? Here’s what I know for certain: If there are no ups and downs in our…
My Grace Needs Help
I’ve heard and sung about God’s amazing grace all my life. Though we make mistakes and have not-nice attitudes and are weak in our faithfulness to Him and others, He loves us deeply anyway. Grace — His unmerited favor — is always helping us in our weaknesses. “But He said to me, ‘My grace is…
A Little Chat about Grace
I live in God’s grace. I just know it. We all do! No matter what kind of mistake(s) we make, there is always a solution for restitution. It comes in the form of grace. It is God’s grace that heals and restores. He exchanges our tarnished slate for a fresh, clean slate so we can…
The Faithful Forsythias
Our recent journey across Canadian provinces and America’s upper states seems to have awakened my senses to appreciate God’s handiwork in places, nature, people and things more than ever before. And, that appreciation has given me food for thought and a new, keen awareness of His creation for my next blog. On excursions, traveling via…