God Sees You – Right Where You Are
Let me ask you this: “When was the last time you glanced in the mirror and thought, “Well, there’s a masterpiece!” If you’re anything like me, you’re probably more familiar with thinking, “Who is that tired person, and why do they have my face?” But here’s the real deal, my friends: whether you love the…
And God said……”Ta-da!”
It doesn’t take much to be show-offs, act like show-offs and get peaved about some gnarly, ghastly, risque show-offs. They are everywhere in music, movies, social media and beyond. Today, I’ll focus on — not show-offs — but the children of Almighty God. My granddaughter loved wearing princess dresses. Right from the start, she was…
Nothing can Separate Us from God’s Love
Doesn’t that give us reassurance at the end of a day when we feel less than loved by anyone, including ourselves? God’s love for us is unwavering and eternal. Imagine that! No matter what happens, nothing can destroy our relationship with Him. This truth has the power to transform our lives. Romans 8:38-39 assures us,…
Ring of Fire
As I sit here humming Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire,” I can’t help but think about the many rings of fire that touch our lives. Johnny sang of a love so fierce it felt like flames. Couples wear rings that symbolize their promises to forever love each other through all of life’s seasons. A few…
The Race
In John 20:3-4, we read: “So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first.” This moment of friendly competition between Peter and John gives us a lighthearted glimpse into their human nature. Visualize this with me:John: I won!Peter: Who’s ever…
What is God Like?
This blog comes from reading this sweet story:“A six-year-old girl was busy drawing a picture one day. Her teacher asked, “What are you drawing?” The little girl replied confidently, “I’m drawing a picture of God.” The teacher, a bit taken aback, said, “But nobody knows what God looks like!” The little girl kept drawing and…
It’s a Come as You Are Party
I remember “back in the day” when we had “Come as you are” parties. The party planner called and invited friends who HAD to come right then, in whatever they had on at the time being. It was hilarious – PJ’s, work-out or dress-to-the-nines clothes, evening wear, swimming suit and jeans and a T–shirt or…
Here’s How We Retaliate
As my readers know, I am a sunny skies, rainbows-after-rain, kind-of-writer, but it seems irreverent to not acknowledge the dark clouds that blew in when we heard about the unconscionable loss of lives in this diabolical war. My heart cries out “Judge them, oh Lord!” What was Jesus thinking when He said, in Matthew 5:44,…
Bent Out of Shape
When I’ve watched the “America’s Got Talent” TV show, without fail, there is always a contortionist who can bend their limbs every which way. I grimace and can hardly watch them. Literally, we can say: “They are all bent out of shape!” Sometimes, we experience aches and pains and laugh about it. Maybe you’ve heard…
Our Words Matter
Our words matter, but does the word, floccinaucinihilipilification, one of the longest words in the dictionary, really matter? I can’t say that I’ll ever use it in a talk, but it sure did bring me inspiration for today’s blog. It came up randomly in a pop-up advertisement and intrigued me enough to look up its…