Tag: goodness

No More Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

You know those three little words: “I should have,” “I would have,” “I could have” — followed by a list of excuses longer than a CVS receipt. Well, I’ve decided I’m done with them. No more standing at the crossroads of hesitation. No more tiptoeing around opportunities. It’s time to trade in the “shoulds” for…

By Donna Wuerch Noble February 3, 2025 Off

What Do Your Little Eyes See?

I saw this online quiz – and took the test. The results of the quiz would tell whether I am an Idealist, Realist or Surrealist, based on the color selections I made throughout the quiz. I’m not validating the merits of this quiz, but I think it “nailed it” for who I feel I am…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 23, 2024 Off

Making the First Move

Peacekeeping is easy if we live on an island by ourselves. No one to challenge us, argue with us, or stress us. But bring on people of different persuasions, upbringing, and personalities — peacekeeping can be a difficult task. Adam and Eve had no problems at all when they were first created. Peacekeeping was a…

By Donna Wuerch Noble July 7, 2024 Off

For Goodness Sake

The phrase ‘for goodness sake’ was originally used to mean for the sake of everything good or pure or decent or honest. It has since become an exclamation, expressing feelings of frustration or despair. Let’s talk about “goodness” and how we can choose daily the path of goodness over the path of despair. All of…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 16, 2023 Off

Followed by Goodness and Mercy

Uncertainty about what this day holds. Concerned about what the doctor’s report will be. Dismayed about life savings placed in an investment that continues to spiral. Anxious about the cost of living. Worried about the children’s friendships. As much as we know better than to succumb to worry, fear, and anxiety, there are still times…

By Donna Wuerch Noble February 28, 2023 Off