Tag: goodwill

Oh Tidings of Comfort and Joy

This time of year, my heart always turns to those spending their first Christmas without a loved one. While the world sings “Joy to the World” and the air rings with goodwill and glad tidings, I know not everyone feels like celebrating. For some, the holidays bring a longing to look past the tinsel and…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 19, 2024 Off

Living in the Afterglow of Christmas

A happy, healthy, restful and relaxed day-after-Christmas to all! Many people are returning to their workplaces today, while others are running out for returns and after-Christmas sales, others are simply basking in the thought “Whew! We did it! We survived another Christmas!” I’ll be easing back into my usual routines because, for me, I’m right…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 26, 2018 Off

Bah Humbug or Good News of Great Joy

“Bah Humbug” is an expression used to show disgust at the Christmas season, made famous by Ebenezer Scrooge in the Charles Dickens novel ‘A Christmas Carol’. Ever had that “Bah Humbug” feeling? With all the “Joy to the World”, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” and all the other songs of goodwill and glad tidings…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 13, 2016 Off