Tag: growth

Ready or Not — Here Comes Change!

Change: to make (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone Speaking of CHANGES…..I was born and raised in Dallas when there were still trolleys here. Yikes! Trolleys stopped running in the 50’s — a hint just how old this ole’ gal is. I remember those rides with…

By Donna Wuerch March 23, 2018 Off

Where Do You Get Your Daily NOURISHMENT From?

My word for today is NOURISHMENT — the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition; sustenance, nutrition, provision Yesterday, my granddaughter, Alexia Wallace, came over to help with racking my leaves. I picked up a Chick Fil A breakfast for us (Alexia’s main hang-out – it’s her place of work and…

By Donna Wuerch January 28, 2018 Off

Celebrating the Cycle of Life

Day 6 of 365 Photo — Celebrating the Cycle of Life —  Meet Emma, who I’m holding, and her friend, Max, who Lexi is holding. Events in the last couple of days were planned by my granddaughter, Lexi, whose goal is to attend her Dad’s alma mater, Texas A&M, one day.  And, she plans to…

By Donna Wuerch January 6, 2015 Off