Tag: guidance

The Right GPS Sytem

Once upon a time I was “directionally challenged”. I remember driving in and out of neighborhoods, off highways and byways, and spending way more time driving than I should have. It didn’t take much for me to get lost. Aw! But now those days are long gone since the advent of our GPS (Global Positioning…

By Donna Wuerch September 4, 2023 Off

I’ll Take a Cloud…or Two

This day a year ago I was all caught up in gratitude for the rain, cooler temperatures and the Fall season that was in the air. I spent the day getting my Fall décor out and turning my home into a place of pumpkin spice aromas and colors of oranges, yellows and browns. But, not…

By Donna Wuerch September 25, 2019 Off

Oh, But for the Mercy of God!

I’ve heard people say “Lorrrd, have mercy!” as a quick retort when yet another “I can’t believe it” circumstance happens. In reality, that is what we should say, rather pray, anytime we encounter a roadblock, a rock landslide, “rocked my world” or rock crazy situations going on in our world. God is our ROCK in…

By Donna Wuerch April 28, 2019 Off

CEO of my Business — CEO of my Life

My tip of the day…..there’s no greater way to begin a new day and week than to have a meeting with the CEO of our business — especially with the desire for success in every way! My CEO is God, my Heavenly Father. Through the years of having early morning commitments, my body just naturally…

By Donna Wuerch April 8, 2014 Off