Tag: health benefits

Running our OWN Race

My son asked me: “Is that an Oura ring you’re wearing?” I replied that it was. He said he saw his friend wearing one and wondered if it worked. Intentionally, I run/walk/exercise as much as I can, when I can. But, there are days when “I’m a squatter!” I just sit as I write blogs,…

By Donna Wuerch September 3, 2022 Off

The Sweetest Kisses Last Forever

 Day 296 of Photo Inspirations — The Sweetest Kisses Last Forever #TBT So in looking through my photo archives, I came across these photos of sweet little kisses, from my sweetheart and I, to kissing our grandchildren, to our kids kissing each other. Oh what precious memories those photos evoked! Thank you for indulging me…

By Donna Wuerch October 29, 2015 Off