Tag: heels dug in

Stand Firm and Persevere

That almost sounds like a contradiction, doesn’t it. How can you persevere while you’re standing firm? Persevere sounds like an “action” verb, while “stand firm” sounds like inaction. This photo captured my attention. This guy looks like he’s trying to hold it together by standing firm because one move could send him plummeting to who…

By Donna Wuerch January 21, 2021 Off

Persevere and Stand Firm

That almost sounds like a contradiction, doesn’t it.  How can you persevere while you’re standing firm?  Persevere sounds like an “action” verb, while Stand Firm seems like a “motionless” verb and adverb. In this photo is a little desk plaque that Mom gave me for Christmas.  She said, “I saw it and I just knew…

By Donna Wuerch January 14, 2016 Off