Living in the Peace Zone
Picture this: I’m wrapped in the warm twinkle of our Christmas trees, surrounded by tiny village churches, my mom’s beloved ceramic tree with its colorful little bulbs, and my cherished Nativity sets. The air is filled with the sweet aroma of Maple Sugar Scentsy wax melts, and everything feels just right. I am pondering. And…
Picture the nativity scene: sheep bleating softly, a donkey nuzzling hay, cattle lowing. No opulence for the Prince of Peace. God chose for His Son, a humble and lowly stable — precisely where His plans unfolded. God’s ways might seem off-course, but His ways far exceed our ways. From animal control in the stable to…
This “leap year” day gives me the opportunity to close out this LOVE month with a conscious effort of loving and affirming ME! What??? Donna! That sure sounds braggadocious! Oh, but not so! Hear me out! In the dictionary, “Self-Affirmation” is the recognition of the existence and value of one’s individual self. Yes, we live…
But I’d also like to think I’m able to admit when I’m wrong. It’s simple to admit the little mistakes, apologize and ask forgiveness. Maybe I accidentally left my phone at home and had to turn around and go back home to get it – making me late for my volunteer job at the family…
Back to my face-plant coming into the final yards of the 5K that I walked/ran/jogged on Saturday. Yesterday my blog included the beauty of the 18 of us taking on the Alamo Run to raise funds for the EMwomen Hope House. It was a complete success with many sponsors kicking off the efforts. However, complete…
A song came on the radio. It spoke to me. The message was so clear that I asked my 16-year-old grandson, who is staying with me for three nights, to listen to it with me. “Alexa, play Tim McGraw’s “Humble and Kind”. Before it started, Brennan told me he had just heard it on the…
As an independent gal for almost eleven years now, I like to call myself self-sufficient, self-supporting, self-reliant, and self-sustaining. But even as I type those words, they sound very “self”-minded! Lord knows – I want to be others-minded, NOT self-minded. But I realize a helping hand is a good thing these days. I’m quick to…
That’s what I said when I tried to move Bryson’s donkey away from the stable door. He wouldn’t budge. But, NOT this donkey that I’m speaking of today. Happy Palm Sunday! Today, we celebrate our Lord’s triumphant entrance into Jerusalem where He was welcomed by crowds praising and worshipping Him and laying down palm leaves…
Good thing we’re NOT God because we would have sure messed things up many times over with OUR ideas, thoughts, and desires. Garth Brooks sang “I thank God for unanswered prayers.” And I agree, I thank God for not answering many of my prayers because if He had answered ‘yes’ to all those prayers, no…
Let’s Be Pointers
I’ll admit it. Some days I’m not so humble. I get so fixated on who commented or liked or loved my blog, that I fail to remember it is HE Who deserves all the honor and praise. Less of me, more of Him. That I might decrease, and He increase. John the Baptist is one…