Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!
It’s a big deal to have a day named after someone. With a quick google “What does it take to have a Federal Holiday named after you?”, I found that it wasn’t such an easy task. Apparently, the notion of creating a Martin Luther King Day met with much controversy. Two of the main arguments…
Happy Martin Luther King Day!
I can’t help but think about the price this man paid to have a day named after him. With a quick google: “What does it take to have a Federal Holiday named after you?”, I found that it wasn’t an easy task. Creating a Martin Luther King Day met with much controversy. Two of the…
A True Difference Maker — Happy MLK Day!
Today we celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. On January 20, 1986, President Ronald Reagan approved the creation of this national holiday, held the 3rd Monday in January of each year. What a price MLK paid for this day of honor. He lived an extraordinary life. At 33, he was pressing for civil…