My Austin family and I were inconvenienced yesterday as we had to stand in a long security line so we could travel aboard a 737 jet, wearing facemasks, lugging around suitcases, sitting in tight seats a couple of hours, only to have to gather our luggage, go through customs, and then lug our luggage around…
God Has Our Attention
A big smile broke across my face when I saw someone post this: “God just got fed up with His kids not getting along, so He sent us all to our rooms.” And, that’s probably true, too! Here’s what I know about our God. He doesn’t cause disease, sickness, heartache and pain. He is our…
Inconvenient Circumstances or Divine Appointments?
I’ve been taking you with me on my journeys lately — even beyond my Holy Lands trip. Yesterday I alluded to my sharing God’s love to a couple of people — one being a young man who was the tow truck driver for my car. Here’s the back-drop to that story. While driving from a…