Tag: influencers

My Treasures Hunt Treasures

As a child, I never realized that my grandparents weren’t the hands-on-type. But, when we became grandparents, we knew we wanted “up close and personal” relationships with our grands. From the get-go, we set out to be doting, over-the-top-in-love in words and deeds. Before our first grandson was born, I had a hope chest of…

By Donna Wuerch November 19, 2020 Off

Saving the Ones We Love the Most

We all have inbred instincts to save the ones we love the most. We are passionate about making sure our babies don’t touch a hot stove and they look both ways before crossing a street. We ensure they wear their coats in the cold winter days and we apply sunscreen in the blistering heat of…

By Donna Wuerch November 9, 2018 Off

Being an Influencer

Okay….this is longer than my usual “long”, but it describes major influencers in my life. When I come to Tulsa, I squeeze in as much as possible because there are so many precious friends and family here. Yesterday was no exception. First was attending mass at my home parish and sitting beside my Tulsa “family”…

By Donna Wuerch October 29, 2018 Off