Tag: innovation

Let’s Talk about Partying

“Hear ye! Hear ye!” We’ve come a long way, Baby! Rather, I’ve come a long way, Baby! I’m letting the world know tomorrow is my birthday via an extremely sophisticated means – my computer and the internet. Back in the day, way before newspapers and radios, there were town criers. They made public announcements, shouted…

By Donna Wuerch August 25, 2023 Off

Our Partnership with God

Sometimes I wake-up with immense gratitude that I woke up. I look at my clock for the time. I get to brush my teeth with a power toothbrush. I jump over to my computer and hit the “post” button for these blogs. I am so thankful that God graced me with living in this century!…

By Donna Wuerch March 9, 2023 Off

Unplugged To Get Plugged In

My cousin and I were going on a “girls night out”, but I couldn’t find my cell phone. I went to pick her up (she lives just a few blocks from me) and brought her back to my house so she could call me to see where my phone was at. (I forgot about the…

By Donna Wuerch October 6, 2017 Off