Tag: innovations

Our Partnership with God

Sometimes I wake-up with immense gratitude that I woke up. I look at my clock for the time. I get to brush my teeth with a power toothbrush. I jump over to my computer and hit the “post” button for these blogs. I am so thankful that God graced me with living in this century!…

By Donna Wuerch March 9, 2023 Off

When Others Laugh at Your Dreams…..JUST DO!

It’s “par for the course” that pessimists laugh and ridicule those who step out and believe in something that’s never been done before. Often, those negative thinkers become the driving force for DREAMERS to DO and say, “Just watch me!” Think of where we’d be today were it not for dreamers? Dreaming big is what…

By Donna Wuerch August 9, 2014 Off