Love Showed Up — Merry Christmas — Happy Birthday, Jesus
Merry Christmas and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JESUS! It ALL happened in a moment, a most remarkable moment. God became a man! Heaven opened herself and placed her most precious ONE in a human womb that brought Him to this side of heaven. Jesus came, not as a dictator or conqueror or warrior, but as ONE…
We Can’t Help It — We Must Give — We Must Worship
“On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.” The Magi (Wise Men) worshipped — and brought very costly gifts to the newborn King. The gifts were gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Not such practical gifts, but most definitely…valuable gifts. A gold brick in today’s…
Roll Out the Red Carpet for the Guest of Honor
Many have the notion that the BIGGEST DEAL about Christmas is that it’s simply a month-long party. Yes, the traditions and festivities are so enjoyable, but rolling out the red carpet and recognizing the Guest of Honor is what this awe-inspiring season is all about. And…’s up to us to ensure the predominant Honoree is…
The Face of God
Oh how I love the smell of a newborn baby. They carry “heaven’s scent” — I just know it! After all — that’s where those precious little angels came from, so of course they still carry that scent of heaven on them. Oh, how I love kissing those “heavenly” little faces. I just can’t…
Life-Changing Experiences When Trusting the Master and His Plan
That’s me — Director of Telecommunications and Mail Services at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada — 22 years ago. This was the cover of MTS’ (Manitoba Telephone Service), magazine. What a blessing to have worked at the U of M for the 7 years that we lived in Winnipeg. Of course, Winnipeg was…
Lathered Up With a Fishing Pole Between Our Toes
As I looked up at my office wall yesterday, I was reminded of one of my favorite fishing stories. My husband, teenage daughter and I flew on a seaplane into secluded, Side Saddle Lake in Manitoba to fish for the day. A seaplane was the only way to get into that lake. My husband,…
Happy Honeymoon!
Happy Anniversary and Happy Honeymoon to my precious Ryan and Shawntel! I’m thanking God for His perfect match made from heaven. I celebrate them today and the beauty of their beautiful love for each other and all they’ve accomplished together. They married on December 14th and went on their first honeymoon on December 26th, and…