Our Blind Spot
My husband is stoked about his new Subaru Outback for more reasons than one. His 2018 Chevrolet Impala was suffering a slow death. One thing after another needed repair and rather than taking it into the car “hospital”, he decided to sell it. AutoNation saw it and all the good things about it (it still…
Let’s Talk about Partying
“Hear ye! Hear ye!” We’ve come a long way, Baby! Rather, I’ve come a long way, Baby! I’m letting the world know tomorrow is my birthday via an extremely sophisticated means – my computer and the internet. Back in the day, way before newspapers and radios, there were town criers. They made public announcements, shouted…
You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby!
Have you thought about how far you’ve come in life? You’ve acquired abilities you never thought possible. You dreamed of driving a car and the day came when you earned your driver’s license and now you’ve been driving for years. You dreamed of one day getting married and having children. That day came and now…