Tag: James 4:8

A Window of Opportunity

I wasn’t planning on returning home to Frisco until today, but I saw the “warnings” about the torrential rain that was soon to hit Austin around noon yesterday and the rains expected to hit Frisco that would go on into today. Knowing it was God’s wisdom in that “window of opportunity”, I quickly packed up…

By Donna Wuerch September 15, 2018 Off

I Am a Friend of God

As a young girl, I wasn’t in with the “in” crowd when I was in school. I was by no means one of those popular girls that hung out with those cool cheerleaders and the hunky football team. I wasn’t even in the “nerd” crowd because I sure wasn’t a really smart kid either. I…

By Donna Wuerch January 30, 2017 Off

God May Be Allowing the Rains to Come

Two weeks ago, I drove 4-1/2 hours to Texas in torrential rain. When I finally arrived at my destination, I found myself incredibly dizzy and my equilibrium was completely off. Clearly, I could have been mistaken by others, as having had “too much to drink”. We determined that my focus to stay on the road…

By Donna Wuerch August 2, 2014 Off